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I did the 35 miles from Highway 58 (near Tehachapi) to Jawbone Canyon
Road in the Piutes. It's a tough segment, with only one spring for
water. I was really apprehensive about completing it, as there's no
place to bail out. Finishing it means that I have completed from the
border to Bird Spring Pass contiguously, which is just 20 miles shy of
Walker Pass. Counting my Sierra miles, it's a total of 735 miles and I'm
still buzzed about it.
Regarding your long message concerning the spreadsheet, I will reply
later this evening after I've had a chance to digest all your comments.
- John
Peter Skye wrote:
> John Hlavac wrote back on Monday May 7:
> >
> > I'm back, fresh from my visit to the Pacific Crest Trail.
> I was up there on Sunday May 6, in the Angeles National Forest. Only
> hiked 9 miles (there was snow). Where were you?
> - Peter
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