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Steven Levine wrote:
>In <4447D20A.3050101@verizon.net>, on 04/20/06
> at 11:26 AM, Zdenek Jizba said:
>>I already have installed eCS 1.2R on the old PC
>FWIW, this means you already have a copy of the Dani drivers you need in
>\os2\boot. To make them available to the installer on your new system,
>read up on how to make a boot update diskette.
This is my reply to all previous messages.
On my eCS 1.2R I made a set of 4 utility diskettes (are these the "boot
update diskette"
mentioned by Steve?) Then I set the boot sequence to start with the 3.5"
diskette and
booted that. With the last diskette (3) in place I tried to invoke LVM.
A blank screen
flashed followed by the a: prompt. I tried this several times to make
sure it was not
just an accidental event. Since LVM did not work, I tried to format C:
(which I had
previously created using DFSEE.) There was a message thad the partition
was (to be?)
formated ??FS (I forgot to write that acronym down). Anyway I managed
to get the c: prompt, but nothing else. Next I tried to install eCS 1.2R
(rather than eCS 1.2 as previously).
As before when it got to the part to define a partition, there again was
no hard disk to choose from (only Z: with 7MB memory). Finally I tried
to install UBUNTU. The installation went
through one re-boot but in the end there was a message that some
connection was
missing.. Again attempting to install eCS 1.2R (hoping that UBUNTU made
the connection) failed for the same reason as before.
Any other suggestions? (I have yet to try a couple of the other
previous ones)
Denny Jizba
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