> What do you need "non-OS/2" partitions for?
Various things. I always like to have a real DOS C:
for diagnostics and repair. (Remember, the 32-bit
OSes we use today won't let you do a lot of low-level
stuff, manipulate the hardware directly. Real DOS has
no such compunctions.) I run a fair number of Win
app.s, many of which can't be run by Odin or SVISTA.
So, both of my systems, and all of my hard drives are
multi-boot. At the next desktop rebuild, I plan to
try a move to drive trays, which should get me away
from the multi-platform-on-each-HDD scenario. But
that is not an option for the small Shuttle box, which
can only have one HDD.
I use NTFS for the Win boot partitions, and the Win
app. ones.
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