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One can boot from a SCSI CD-ROM drive just as
easily as from an ATAPI CD-ROM. But only newer
machines can boot from CD-ROM. This is because
you must have CD-ROM boot support in your BIOS.
In this case, it must be in the SCSI BIOS.
If you're using a simple 53C810-based fast SCSI II
card, then there is no SCSI BIOS (unless it is
built into the MB -- some are, it's called SMDS).
It's called the El Torito standard, I've heard, 'cause
it was designed on the back of a napkin over margaritas.
Believe what you will, it's one of the few colorful
tidbits that make the subject interesting.
A link to this specification and many others (firewire,
USB, IrDA, Enhanced disk Drive v3, etc.) is:
On 3/3/02, Sandy Shapiro wrote, in part:
>Is it possible to boot from a bootable CD
>in a SCSI CD Rom drive?
>My motherboard bios has a configuration for booting
>from ATAPI CD Rom or from "SCSI/ATA100," neither of
>which works with my SCSI CD Rom drive. >Sandy
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