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>One can boot from a SCSI CD-ROM drive just as
>easily as from an ATAPI CD-ROM. But only newer
>machines can boot from CD-ROM. This is because
>you must have CD-ROM boot support in your BIOS.
>In this case, it must be in the SCSI BIOS.
>If you're using a simple 53C810-based fast SCSI II
>card, then there is no SCSI BIOS (unless it is
>built into the MB -- some are, it's called SMDS).
My SCSI adapter card has no BIOS.
The motherboard is quite new and the BIOS supports SCSI boot selection.
It is just that none of the motherboard settings seem to recognize a CD in
the drive.
Does that mean that the SCSI adapter card must have a BIOS for booting to
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