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Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 14:03:57 PDT
From: Wayne Cypress < >
To: SCOUG group help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Netscape perf, part 3

Content Type: text/plain

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Please ignore the line of N's above... for some unknown reason, my emails=

to scoug seem to be missing the first portion of my note. Is there some
trick I am supposed to know about how to start a message? (this string of=

postings on Netscape Performance is my first attempt to post to scoug). I=

started my prior post message with a line of periods, hoping that I'd jus=
lose some of them, but it seems to have arrived back from scoug completel=
blank. So, here it is again.

In summary, there appear to be several problems that are causing my
symptoms. It now seems that my local phone company (Verizon) may be the
cause of the extremely slow DSL performance, according to my ISP. The
problem with Netscape taking 90+ seconds at 100% processor utilization ma=
be associated with the latest version of Netscape, because I tested with =
older computer which has the older version of Netscape (prior to the July=

2001 release) and it does not have this problem... now all I have to do =
figure out how to get back to that old release on my newer computer. The
fact that Netscape nearly always leaves the "stop" button energized (not
greyed out) between pages even when the pages appear to have completed, a=
the fact that some pages never seem to complete while leaving the process=
running on at about 70% is still a mystery.

Here is the text of my prior message that seems to have been sent out as =
blank by scoug (it looks fine in my compuserve auto-filed outgoing messag=
file) =

>>>>> =

I connected an old computer to the LinkSys router today; it has an older
4.61 version of Netscape, and, of course, different hard drives, etc, etc=
. =

Speed was still slow, in the 25 to 55 kbps range, which is dial-up speed.=

I also checked ping responses to various sites, which seem slow to me but=
don't have any point of reference. Perhaps someone with DSL base service
could tell me what sort of response they're getting. Here are some typica=
response times I'm seeing:

to my ISP gateway: 130 to 250 ms
to 80 to 250 ms

Most responses to those and other sites are in the mid-100's to low 200's=


I spoke to tech support at my ISP today, According to the tech rep, there=

has been a problem with their customers in my town due to wiring circuits=

going through a particular trunk line that has been causing problems. I
told the rep that I couldn't justify paying $50/month for service I could=

be getting for free by dialing in, and that it was in their interest to g=
the phone company busy fixing the problem, else I need to switch to cable=
which means I'd be forced to drop them as my ISP. =

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prior note read as follows

Wow, just had a shocker... in addition to the info I listed in my prior
note (see below), I just found a website that is supposed to check intern=
speed: Http://

Using Netscape under Warp 4, my speed was "clocked" as from 41 to 51 kbps=

in 4 runs.

Using Netscape under Windows 95, my speed was "clocked" from 95 to 104

Neither of those clockings were anywhere near what DSL should be, but, wo=
under Warp I'd be better off using a dial-up connection, for crying out
loud!!! =

Anybody out here got any ideas on what could be causing this lousy

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my prior note read as follows

I have made a number of changes on my home system over the past 10 months=
and lately have been noticing what seems to be a bad performance issue wi=

Here are 3 manifestations of the problem: =

1. One obvious symptom is that Netscape takes 90+ seconds at 100% process=
utilization to come down after clicking "exit" or the exit symbol
(effectively locking out all use of the system during that time). I do no=
recall that Netscape always did this in the past, only became aware of it=

recently, but I cannot connect it with a system change.

2. I also see problems with some selected websites in that some pages do
not seem to ever end (don't show up on the display) but rather use 70% or=

so of the processor forever (sometimes several reloads will finally get t=
page to show up). =

3. It is very seldom that the Netscape "stop" button is NOT enabled betwe=
web pages (even though "done" appears in the bar at the bottom of Netsca=

4. Perhaps a side issue, not a performance issue, but sometimes get Java
error returned from some web pages I try to access.

Here is a brief summary of my system:

266mhz Pentium II with 352mb memory, both scsi (via Adaptec 2940UW PCI
card) and IDE hard drives (periodically defragged, seldom need it), PCI
ethernet card; =

DSL connection through a LinkSys BEFSR41 (4-port router)... just upgrad=
to latest bios level today; =

Warp 4 at fixpack 12 with Java 11.8 (Warp partition is HPFS, other
partitions are FAT);
Netscape 4.61 encrypted edition downloaded from IBM at latest (July 10?=
level (I have tried moving cache location, changing its size, and erasing=

netscape.hst frequently)

I also have the ability to boot Widows95 and have not noticed these
problems when using Netscape under Win95.

Anyone have any ideas... is my experience normal or abnormal?



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