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Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 19:05:36 PDT
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Backup to hard drive not allowed ?

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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In <>, on 10/08/01
at 06:12 PM, Peter Skye said:

>I couldn't get that to work either. (Back Again/2000 Server with Seagate
>SCSI and ATAPI tape drives.)

I wonder why CDS is not interested in fixing this? Might be an
interesting Programming SIG project. Take your box and use the kernel
debugger to track down the failure. We should be able to find the failing
I/O instruction fairly easily.

>Of course, but you're still executing Zip.exe several hundred times and

Compared to the total backup time, I don't think that's much of an issue.

>you still have to code the Path Range user support so you can specify
>which range of paths goes into which .zip file. It's like Rollin's FTP

Yeah that can be a nuisance, It probably could be automated with some
REXX to estimate the zip sizes. You could always fall back on your
SysFileTree idea:

SysFileTree the world
While files left to do
Write filenames to name file until 2GB limit reached
Invoke zip
Record first and last filename to log file

This works because

zip zipfile

works although it's not well documented. This gets rid of most of the
admin. The log file allows you to find out which zipfile contains a
specific file. You could even get fancy an ensure that the content of a
single directory does not get split across zip files.

> [H:\temp\test]dir
> 10-08-01 5:45p 3 35 $
> 10-08-01 5:45p 3 35 &
> 10-08-01 5:45p 3 35 +

Well, these are valid. If was thinking of backslash and a few others.
I'd have to look them up.

>On a system design note, you're better off using each character and
>trapping any errors. That way, as file systems change, the software
>won't break because of your hard-coded character bypass table. _____

I'd go with a hardcoded table. There's more to worry about than just file

>I want a dedicated backup machine on my network that backs up all
>workstations. I want backup software that has been developed, QC'd and
>field tested. I don't want to have to worry about whether Zip.exe was

I know what you want. Let me know when you find something for OS/2.
Since you have WSeB, take a look at PSNS. It might handle a subset of
what you want.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.29d #10183 Warp4/FP11.5 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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