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Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2001 13:34:25 PDT
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Non IBM Internet Dialers

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In <>, on 11/07/01
at 01:15 PM, "mrakijas" said:

>(I had discounted the possibility that he wanted slippm.exe since so few
>ISP use SLIP, see his text above). I inferred that he needed to get a

Huh? Slippm has done PPP for years. It is what appears on your screen
when you invoke "Dial Other Internet Providers". Actually, slippm did PPP
before the Advantis dialer did, IIRC.

>distinguishing between linkup and dialup is an error but I plead on the
>somewhat muddled distinction between the two unless you use something
>like InJoy. Linkup/dialer, the combination, will normally let you

Well, if effect, Injoy does does the linkup and the dialer function. You
can have it connect and then invoke applications.

>unfortunately for Harry, the AT&T one he wants doesn't seem to conform
>to what is normally accommodated with IBM's setup.

I'm not so sure about that, but I'll let Harry tell us for sure.

>I was only trying to help Harry figure out how to either trick it
>further or get the connections up that he wants. Can you suggest an
>alternative for him so that he can get the connections he wants?

I think he has them now, but I'm awaiting his response.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.29g #10183 Warp4/FP11.5 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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