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Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 14:09:35 PDT
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: System Commander, ECS, etc.

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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In <>, on 05/26/01
at 12:00 PM, said:

>the package), so if this is correct it would be very bad news for my
>multiboot system. I planned to add ECS at some point after receiving the
>GA release, which hasn't turned up yet.

That's my current understanding. LVM writes the drive letter assignments
to some otherwise unused sectors on the MBR track. SC, may or may not
preserve these correctly when switching. Others have said it won't work.
I'm not saying it won't work. I'm saying you need to test carefully.

>ECS one -- or vice-versa -- but there wasn't time for him to elaborate as
>to Why. Back when I put in Warp 4, I turned the prior Warp 3 partition
>into my Maintenance

This again is and LVM vs. non-LVM issue. Since Warp4 knows nothing about
LVM, there's a potential for fdisk like utilities running under Warp4 to
do things that confuse the LVM-aware eCS or MCP.

>JFS, because (with the notable exception of NT, the only Win on this

JFS is irrelevant. It would be invisible to your Warp4 systems, just as
FAT32 partitions are, without loading an IFS that understands them.

>in another partition. Is there any reason this will no longer be
>possible or advisable, once ECS is added to the mix ?

Jan van Wijk, the author of DFSEE, is scheduled to be the presenter at the
June meeting. He and Daniela are the de-facto LVM experts. Assuming,
Murphy doesn't mess up the scheduling, ask Jan ask the meeting.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.28a #10183 Warp4/FP11 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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