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Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:57:54 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: System Commander

Content Type: text/plain

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> >I don't follow this. Wasn't aware that SC saved or restored anything. I
> >thought it just juggled several alternate MBRs.

Steven replied to me:

> I suspect you mean Partition Boot Records (PBR's). There's only one MBR.
> IAC, what it juggles depends on what you are switching. This can include
> config.sys, among other things depending on what you are
> switching between. Take a look a the subdirectories below the SC main
> directory and you will get an idea of what will get saved/rewritten.

None of that stuff (which are files in the directory tree proper, not stored
in an MBR or PBR), ever gets changed, unless you deliberately edit them in
SC's Setup . . . and even then they have backups, which must also be attended
to. I thought we were talking about a few special sectors at or near the
beginning of the hard drive, which space was also being used by LVM ? Did
you mean that SC placed some pointers to the relevant files within that space
(whatever it's called), which might be in conflict with this ?



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