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Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 12:30:37 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Weird disk access problem

Content Type: text/plain

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Mark Abramowitz wrote:

> I can't open the tree view of one partition without the system freezing up
> partway through showing the tree. I can access it just fine, so long as I
> don't do this. I can even view the tree, using the browsing function of
> "save as" in various applications. I thought that it was an ini problem,
> but running checkini doesn't help.

> Also ran DFSee, didn't show the problem.

Did you take a look with UNIMAINT ? Reportedly, there are some anomalies it
can identify that CHECKINI may miss, and vice-versa.

> Any suggestions as to what might be causing this?
> Also, today it happened to me on another partition, but I normally can
> access it just fine.

No, but I have seen something quite similar (mostly pertaining to attempts to
use TreeView to access CDs or -- in particular -- Zip Disks) on my system.
Occasionally with a floppy. It was inconsistent and annoying, possibly having
something to do with slightly corrupted objects for the CD drives and the Zip
Drive. To this day, I cannot access Properties for any of those drives,
whereas I'm 90 % certain that at one time I could. I submitted this to Steven
a long time ago, and we never did get to the bottom of it. Haven't had any
problems I can recall in regard to TreeView for the hard drives, though. Had
it been a bit more annoying, I might have brought the system down to a Help
Desk for this. But I don't use TreeView enough for that.

> Is this what Windows is like to run?

No, that is ***MUCH*** worse. Trust me.



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