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Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:58:19 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: C-Drive down

Content Type: text/plain

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Ray Davison wrote:

> I have just managed to kill C drive.

. . .

> I was attempting to enlarge C using Partition Magic 3.05. I have done this many
> times. I had finished shrinking the extended partition and gotten some free space
> just above C. I then attempted to resize C. When I took it past about 500MB, the
> color changed to the color representing FAT32. That did not seem to make sense, so
> I backed it down to where it changed back to the FAT16 color and OK'd the change.
> The change seemed to proceed normally until the last process indicator bar - the top
> one - was at about 90%. At that point every thing froze.

. . .

> Any ideas?

The particulars of this situation are a bit beyond me, and I have never had a W9x /
FAT-32 partition on my system, so someone else will have to suggest a good remedial
course of action. I just wanted to mention that -- even if you make use of other backup
methods -- I think that PowerQuest's DRIVE IMAGE (or perhaps the competing product,
Symantec's GHOST) is a valuable last line of defense. If all else fails, you can nuke
the partition and go back to the way things were circa when the image was made, in one
quick stroke. Unless one creates Partition Images fairly regularly, some newer stuff
will be lost, but nearly all of the prior, reliable system should be restored. One
person I know had a hard drive fail on her W98 system, requiring a time-consuming,
expensive, and not completely satisfactory rebuilding process. Another had his kids
screw up a W98 installation (on a production box) to the point where everything may have
to be redone from scratch. Most likely, both of these situations could have been
recovered from with a partition image from one of these programs.

I have not had to use DI for this purpose yet, though it probably will be necessary soon
for a messed up NT partition, which may not be salvageable otherwise. I have used it
successfully a couple times when changing hard drives during system upgrades. The
caveat there is that this becomes a very dicey proposition if the hard drive size /
geometry changes, or if either the main board or H/D controller changes.



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