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Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 00:27:42 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: web pages never load

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Benedict G Archer wrote:
> We have DSL with a Linksys router/switch. I find that
> some web pages that load and display normally on a Win 98
> machine on our LAN either load extremely slowly (minutes)
> or not at all on two OS/2 systems on the same LAN.

Hi Ben,

When you say "some web pages ... either load extremely slowly (minutes)
or not at all", do you mean that all *other* web pages load *quickly*?

If most web pages load quickly but a few don't, they might be the ones
that use Java ( does). What is your Java version
number? From a command line, run:

java -version
java -fullversion

Mine says it's version 1.1.8 with a build date of 2001-04-26.

If *all* your web pages are slow (you said 'we also get frequent "broken
pipe" messages'):

-- What happens if you take the network cable that's plugged into your
OS/2 machine and plug it into a Win 98 machine? Does the Win 98 machine
run more slowly? You might have a bad cable which is messing up the
packets, or the port on the LinkSys might be bad or have dirty

-- Might there be an IRQ conflict on your network card? What IRQ is it
on, and what IRQs are the other stuff in your machine assigned to? To
see the non-PCI stuff, run:

rmview /irq

Note that RMView.exe doesn't report the PCI stuff -- for that you should
watch your initial motherboard bootup screen [although the IRQ
assignments might change during the OS/2 bootup] or run PCIvk or ScanPCI
both of which are on Hobbes. Here are the wget lines to get them:

wget -c
wget -c

PCIvk and ScanPCI will report *only* what's on the PCI bus. RMView
reports the other stuff.

- Peter


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