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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
Java Introduction
Ron Lamb, Cisco Systems and SCOUG Member
- What Java IS
- Platform independent programming language
- C++ Like
- Object Oriented
- What Java IS NOT
- JavaScript
- Programming Panacea
- Microsoft Killer
- Dead
- Java Main Features
- Platform Independence
- Garbage collection
- No Manual allocation de-allocation
- Object oriented
- Scalable (Pico to Enterprise)
- Java main features
- High Productivity and Reliability
- Built in Security
- Sand box
- Multithreaded
- Remote Method Invocation(RMI)
- Java main features
- Java Docs
- JavaBeans
- Important Java Facts
- JDK vs. JRE
- JDK is the developers toolkit.
- JRE is the runtime version.
- Shipped with product
- Important Java Facts
- Single inheritance
- No multiple inheritance
- Easier to turn out bug-free code than C++
- Java applications require a virtual machine to run.
- Important Java Facts
- Java offered in 3 major versions
- Micro, Standard, Enterprise versions
- Embedded & Personal Java
- Java Community Process
- Important Java Facts
Current Java versions
- Win32 - 1.2.2
- OS/2 - 1.1.8
- Solaris - 1.2.2
- Linux 1.2
- Applications vs. Applets
- Applications can be both text and GUI based.
- Applications can be small to large in size.
- Applets require the JRE to run
- Applets tend to have shorter life
- Applets are GUI based.
- Applets should be small in size.
- Applets run in a Browser or Applet Viewer
- Compatibility issues between browsers
- Getting Started
- Install/Update JDK
- Update PATH statement
Ready to rock and roll
- Getting Started
JDK (Java Developers Kit )
- Win32
- Sun - http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/download-windows.html
- IBM - http://www.ibm.com/java/jdk/118/
- Solaris Sun - http://www.sun.com/solaris/jdk/download.1.2.1_03/
- OS/2 - http://www.ibm.com/java/jdk
- Linux - http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html
- Linux (IBM) - http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/linuxjvm
- Getting Started
- Good Java Book (Core Java)
- On-line training - http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/onlineTraining/Programming/BasicJava1/index.htmlJDK 1.1
- Cup of Java (SCOUG) Web site - http://www.scoug.com/os24u/1999/scoug907.2.javaexceptions.html
- Getting Started
Java IDE
- OS/2
- VisualAge (1999 Readers Choice Award)
- Win32
- Visual Café, VisualAge, PowerJ, JBuilder
- Linux
- JBuilder, VisualAge, Emacs
- Platform Independent
- NetBean
- Getting Started
Join Developer Connection. Why?
- Its Free!!!
- Bug Database access
- Early access to technologies
- Much Much more....
- http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/
- Writing your first Java program
- Creating Hello World
- Create Source File
- Compile Source Files
- Run Class file
- Hello World
public class HelloWorld {
private String strHelloWorld;
public HelloWorld() {
strHelloWorld = new String("Hello World");
public String toString() { return strHelloWorld; }
static public void main(String args[]) {
HelloWorld helloWorldObject = new HelloWorld();
- Hello World
javac HelloWorld.java
- Hello World
java HelloWorld
- New Java 1.2 Features - Development/Runtime changed
- CLASSPATH settings (3 settings)
- bootstrap CLASSPATH
- extension directories
- application CLASSPATH
- New Java 1.2 Features
- Development/Runtime changes(cont.)
- Extensions framework
- Security/policies
- Policy based
- Support for signed jars
- Development/Runtime changes(cont.)
- Package versioning
- Pluggable VM architecture
- Standard Library enhancements
- Audio enhancements
- New Java Sound API Engine
- Higher Sound Quality
- Collections Class
- Swing
- Drag & Drop
- Java 2D
- Key Performance Improvements
- Faster Memory Allocation and Garbage Collection
- RMI is faster
- Faster Thread Synchronization
- Java Virtual Machine Debugger Interface
- Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface
- New Java 1.2 Features
- Details on 1.2 new features
- http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/docs/relnotes/features.html
- Java Standard extensions
- Java Mail
- JNDI (Java Naming Directory Interface)
- JAF (JavaBeans Activation Framework)
- InfoBus
- JAI (Java Advanced Imaging)
- Java Servlet
- JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)
- JavaHelp
- Java Serial Port (COMM)
- Java Management
- Java3D
- JMF (Java Media Framework)
- Other Cool Java Technologies
- JavaPhone
- JavaTV
- JavaCard
- Future Cool Java Technologies
- HotSpot
- Future Cool Java Technologies
- Cool Java Links
- Alpha Works (IBM)
- http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/
- JavaSoft
- http://java.sun.com
- JavaWorld
- http://www.javaworld.com
- Java Lobby
- http://www.javalobby.org/
- IBM Java
- http://www.ibm.com/developer/java/
- Gamelan
- http://www.gamelan.com/
- Virtual Fish Tank
- http://www.nearlife.com/
- Java Uses
- Cell Phones
- Beepers
- Set-Top Boxes
- Java Cars
- Java Web Server
- Client Applications
- Together/J
- Adobe Java Acrobat
- Server Applications