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January |
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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <0GQ3008VF9ZZQC@mta5.snfc21.pbi.net>, on 01/17/02
> at 07:36 AM, "Lynn H. Maxson" said:
> >group. Apparently he hasn't mastered Sundial products, more recently
> >Relish, to the extent he would submit to public exposure. But then
> Actually, that's not quite true. Take a look at the Sundial Relish
> mailing list. His work is preserved for all posterity, or until the bits
> wear out.
That's a long time. Aren't they self-lubricating,
sealed at the factory?
In any case, I was buried up to an inconvenient
anatomical level and, regarding the topics previously
under discussion, didn't have:
1. Expertise to share (not that it's been an
impediment previously);
2. Interest in the particular application being
discussed (I'm not interested in close
management of my 401k portfolio - all mutual
3. Time (I still hadn't completed my 2000 tax filing.);
I'll be a more productive participant in future
discussions so long as I have a maximum of only one of
these three deficiencies regarding a particular thread.
I'm pulling out Mesa 2 again.
I've got to get a grip...
Let's see, printed billing or receipt -> CFM TWAIN ->
STi TextFlow (OCR) -> How to extract data and insert
into Mesa 2 spreadsheet (Create templates based on a
macro that utilizes search and "Ctrl-{directional
arrow}" movements?), automated via a REXX script or
Mark Henigan
Modesto CA USA
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January |
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
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OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
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