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Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> So if you have an input "stream" of data, you have to
> make some serious decisions when it comes to storing it.
Nah. Just store the stream.
>> "It's easier to teach the macro/program how to
>> process the different "types" of data files we
>> receive than it is to create some "master plan" (a
>> data format) into which all data files must fit."
> Tsk, tsk, Master Peter, read what you have written.
> Your only saving grace here is the word "all" which
> implies that you have multiple "master plans", i.e.
> data formats, into which you fit "all" your data (at
> least the extracted portions). You have to because
> any system that you use, any application you have
> written or any written by others, does not allow
> any other method than a structuring one.
Nah. Just store each separate "stream" in a separate file.
> I will guarantee that you will use some translation
> process, if only in your head, that will allow you
> to deal with multiple formats at a time. Otherwise
> the data in whatever format is useless, if it
> cannot serve your purpose.
Nah. I never look at the data. I let the computer figure it out.
> I would think in investment data capture when dealing with
> multiple "fixed" sources and live feeds that you do as much as
> possible to only extract those portions of text data that suits
> your needs plus organize those extractions (impose a format) that
> renders them more suitably to your use.
Nah. I just store what comes in without change. Then I can always
reproduce the exact stream that was received.
> Perhaps I err. Maybe you do not follow
> the Principle of Least Effort.
Nah. I believe in Schroedinger's cat. :))
- Peter
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