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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 12:05:34 -0700
From: Sheridan George < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: SCOUG needs a REXX programmer

Content Type: text/plain

Go ahead and send the package. I'm busy for the next week or so but can start work on it when I get
the time.

I was played around on the site some and it looks like a bread crumb pointing to the TOC could be
implemented also in case one wants to go directly back to the start.


Steven Levine wrote:
> In <>, on 10/07/07
> at 10:36 PM, Sheridan George said:
> Hi,
>> If you are talking about the "bread crumbs" I think I could handle that
>> but it will take several days to get that one day of work in.
> I would not worry too much about wall clock time. I've had this on my
> list since March or so. It just does not seem to make it to the top of my
> list.
>> It appears everything is "directory separated". If I doped that out
>> correctly it doesn't seem it will be too tough a task.
> It's not. It's basically cut and paste of the code that builds the per
> message pages into the code that builds the per day and month pages. Each
> change will be a line or two of code.
> IAC, I know this code well enough that I can pretty much point you to the
> code to be modified. I also have test harnesses that you should be able
> to use without too much trouble.
> The one-shot to update the existing pages might take a bit more effort,
> because you need to scan the message base; decide which pages need
> updating and replace the existing content. However, once you understand
> the before and after, this will not be difficult and I can provide lots of
> test data.
> Let me know when you are ready to get started and I'll zip up something to
> get you started.
> Steven


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