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Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 20:34:41 -0700
From: "Lynn H. Maxson" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Logical Font Tables

Content Type: text/plain


The question would be better answered by whomever
assumes responsibility for the monthly download updates,
Gary Wong. I quote from the March, 2006 edition:"Quick 'n'
Easy Finances has been updated as of 02/19/2006. It is a
personal finance program which requires DB2 or PostGRE as
the database engine. Use search key qkos2 on Hobbes. NOTE:
A Yahoo Groups discussion list is at"

As to your other comment relative to documenting our
progress in the Programming SIG I may say "thanks, but no
thanks". Once I have a clearer description as well as the
means of implementing it of communicating, i.e. documenting,
this, I will in a pure democratic moment present it along with
any contributed list of other options for evaluation and
selection by the group. I have yet to exercise more than a
single vote or impose a judgement on the SIG. Not my style.

As to the VOICE thing I have accepted the offer by Walter
Metcalf, VOICE President, to act as team leader on the project.
As others on this mailing list, specifically Nathan Woodruff,
will also be on that team, I suspect a similar discussion and
decision making effort will occur.

I do not doubt your observations. In fact I give some weight
to them. However, as you will observe elsewhere I tend to
seek a "larger" box from which to view things.


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