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Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 18:15:31 PST8
From: "Lynn H. Maxson" < >
To: "SCOUG Programming SIG" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Turn off clausal street onto predicate avenue

Content Type: text/plain

I never know when I've communicated as opposed to just
saying something. If it went in one ear and out the other with
nothing lingering inbetween, then along with Hud we have
here a classic failure of communication. I would like to
change that. Would you help me?

Fourth generation programming languages use logic
programming. Making the distinction between the logic
programming of fourth generation languages and the
programming in logic of third generation, "procedural" or
"imperative" languages occurs in the division of labor between
the programmer and software for the overall (or global) logic
of a program.

In a procedural, which includes all third generation languages,
the programmer has total responsibility for the overall logical
organization of the program. That means when a significant
change in logic occurs resulting in a equally significant (and
hopefully error free) reorganization (rewriting) of the source
code that falls squarely on the programmer's shoulders (brain,
hands, and employment opportunities).

In fourth generation logic programming that global
organization shifts largely to the software. Thus significant
logic changes which require significant reorganization
(rewriting) occurs a few million times faster in software. A
few million here and there quickly adds up to less time
overall, thus greater programmer productivity.

Those most informed among you know that optimizing
compilers analyse code and where possible perform global
optimization. This results in executable code whose
instruction sequence equivalent to but different from that of
the source. However, this optimization does not occur at the
source level, but at the intermediate level translated from the
source. Thus the source itself remains non-optimized. Thus
any real optimization of the source remains the responsibility
of the programmer. If we could rely on that, we wouldn't
bother with doing a number on the intermediate code.

Now if we rely on the software to perform all the program
logic...optimally..., we could write all the necessary source
code statements willy-nilly in any order, shove chaos in the
input and get a perfect program as output. Fat chance. In
fact, no chance. Null. Nil. Zip.

Somewhere between this complete, non-logical chaos of
source and the complete programmer-written local and global
source logic lies a point which has a minimal necessary
programmer-written logical organization with a reliance on
the software to complete the balance.

Now we do have some examples of this fourth generation
phenomenon. In fact millions of them executing billions of
times daily. SQL. Structured Query Language. A fourth
generation programming language (though don't tell this to
those writing in it). Shhh. Don't let them know they're
engaged in using a language advanced over that used by the
vast majority of "professional" programmers who continue to
muddle about in C-based slime.

Now logic programming, e.g. SQL, uses a two-stage proof
engine of a completeness proof and an exhaustive true/false
proof. As its name implies the completeness proof looks at
the input, the source SQL, verifies its syntax, checks its
semantics (does it refer to a known database, a known table
in that database, and a known column within a row in that
table?), which includes its logic, creating optimized
intermediate code (there it is again). By "creating" we mean
organizing the code according to its its own internals as well
as that imbedded in the SQL source.

If the completion proof fails due to a failure in the query, it
has a gadzillion return codes detailing the possible failures.
Get through these and the completeness proof now has an
optimal logical organization ready for execution.


It now becomes the responsibility of the exhaustive true/false
proof to execute that optimized code against the rows of the
tables in the database and to return all "true" instances, i.e.
zero, one, or more. Note that the data must exist and that
different data, e.g. changes in the database from one
execution to the next, can produce different results.

Now what we have here is an instance of clausal logic. Logic
programming which relies on clausal logic relies on some
independent means of generating "test" data. SQL uses
clausal logic. Prolog, the most used fourth generation
programming language, also uses clausal logic. If we want to
test a Prolog program, we have to somehow create the "test"

Enter predicate logic. Stage left. Predicate logic associates
values with a variable. In essence it says for X with values of
Y through Z, the following is true. It then iterates the values
of Y through Z in an expression involving X, keeping those
values of X for which the expression results in "true" (zero,
one, or more) instances. Just like SQL and Prolog, except the
software generates the data.

If the assertion results in zero true instances, it is "false".
Otherwise it is "partially" true, i.e. it has one or more true
instances, possibly all values in the range.

Now pay attention. We have two generating processes here.
One involves the global logic of the source (and, yes, it is the
actual source, not intermediate code, on which optimization
occurs), which the software as part of completeness proof
performs. The other involves the generation of the test data
based on programmer specified values, which again the
software performs.

Let's assume that we have our interpreter working with our
two-stage proof engine. Somewhere in our source we have a
statement like "dcl henry char (20) varying range ('orange',
'blue', 'red', 'Ford', 'Chevy','Simi Valley');" We take our cursor
and we "mark" it. We click on the RMB (Right Mouse Button)
and from the pop-up menu we select "test". A window
appears asking for a value for "henry". We type in "Buick". It
returns "false". Otherwise it would store the value in the
location specified by henry.

Now you say, "Wait a minute. You, not the software, created
the test data." True. I tried to give it a value outside the
range specified and it rejected it. Thus while I don't have an
ability to override the values specified, I do have the ability to
specify an unlimited range of values to use in any test.

For example, if I use "henry" on the left-hand side of an
assignment statement, e.g. "henry = somestringvalue;", the
executable code will check the content (value) in
"somestringvalue" against those specified for "henry". Any
none match (false) will produce an error condition.

If I have a "capable" programming language like PL/I, I could
have a code segment like "on range(henry) begin;.... end;" to
allow me to recover within the program from an obvious error.

Take another look at "dcl henry char (20) varying range
('orange', 'blue', 'red', 'Ford', 'Chevy','Simi Valley');". This puts
the onus on the software to check any string value result
before assigning it to henry. Otherwise the onus belongs to
the programmer. If he happens to be new to the project or
being human simply forgets the rule, an error in execution can

The onus not only falls on the programmer, but the writing of
the checking logic prior to assigning a string value to henry
does as well. If a change occurs in the "range" attribute of
henry, the necessary checking logic must occur for every use
instance as well. In point of fact no such "range" attribute
exists in PL/I, thus the programmer must know the rules
regarding value ranges for a variable as well as write and
rewrite the checking logic for every use instance in every
program. You only have to miss one.

Contrast this with having a "range" attribute and the
responsibility on the software to insert the necessary
checking code and to invoke the active "range" error when an
exception occurs. Remember in our system each source
statement is automatically named and stored in a table in a
database in our data repository/directory. We make a change
to a value in a range attribute, we create a new version of
that statement. We are then prompted how we want the
effect the new version globally, i.e. in all its use instances
across all programs, not just in the immediate program.

Our example included just one statement. It could have
included (marked) any proper control structure at any level
up to a program. Mark any control structure, RMB to request
a test, specify value ranges for the associated variables, and
let the software enumerate the test data set instances for the
exhaustive true/false proof.

Get off the clausal logic. Move on to predicate. Get all that
logic programming has to offer those of us mired in our third
generation mentality.


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