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On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 23:12:49 PDT7, Steven Levine wrote:
> - Install OpenWatcom v1.3
Done! Open Watcom has been up and working for some time.
> - Install the Warp4 Toolkit from the eCS 1.2 CDs
Done, again for some time now.
> - Get the WPS Toolkit (wpstkt) from Netlabs
> - Read the part of the wpstkt docs that explain that Watcom is supported
OK! That's a problem. I did not find that information anywhere. I have the toolkit
programming guide and reference (wtkref.inf) and the information from Warpstock
Europe 2002 (dev01_en.pdf). I did a search. Neither one mentions Watcom. I also
searched the toolkit portion of the Netlabs website.
I've joined the toolkit developer's E-Mail discussion group and posted a question
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