The SYS0008 and SYS1092 errors:
SYS0008: There is not enough memory available to process this command.
All available memory is in use.
SYS1092: The handle could not be duplicated during a pipe operation.
The external process was cancelled by a Ctrl+Break or another process.
The Help for the two errors:
[H:\cmd]help sys0008
SYS0008: There is not enough memory available to process this command.
All available memory is in use.
EXPLANATION: If segment swapping is active, the swap file may be full
or an input/output (I/O) error may have occurred on the auxiliary
storage device that contains the swap file.
ACTION: Do one of the following and then retry the command:
o Reduce the number of running programs.
o Reduce the value of the BUFFERS=, TRACEBUF=, DISKCACHE=, THREADS=,
RMSIZE=, or DEVICE=VDISK.SYS statement in the CONFIG.SYS file and
then restart the system.
o Remove unwanted files from the swap file disk and restart the system.
o Install additional memory on your system.
o Check the swap file disk for an I/O error.
[H:\cmd]help sys1092
SYS1092: The handle could not be duplicated during a pipe operation.
EXPLANATION: Too many handles prevent handle duplication during a
pipe operation.
ACTION: Wait for the other processes to end and retry the command.
- Peter
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