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Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> Only variables with the automatic, controlled,
> or based storage attributes get deallocated on
> exiting the begin-block. That says variables
> with the static storage attribute do not.
Yes. That's why I use static variables to maintain values which I will
need later.
And I can INIT a static variable and it won't INIT again (my guess is
the INIT value is loaded with the executable rather than placed there
with setup code).
> I thank Bob for reinforcing my earlier response.
And Bob also reinforced mine:
Bob said:
> The difference is who has to remember what has been
> allocated. In C you have to do it (some types of
> allocation are freed when you exit a procedure but
> not all). In PLI the compiler does it.
I prefer to let the compiler do it. Why create work for yourself?
Lynn, wasn't your Warpicity project laced with the concept of "let the
compiler do it"?
- Peter
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