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Steven Levine wrote:
> >would have needed to find os2.h.
> Why would that be a problem? gcc has had
> everything needed to do OS/2 apps for years.
Oops, found it, thanks. It was pgcc that didn't have os2.h.
> >I think I'm supposed to copy something out of [my
> >Watcom 11] into the Open Watcom installation.
> I think your memory is incorrect here. OpenWatcom
> has everything needed to do OS/2 apps.
I thought there were some libraries in Watcom 11 which were owned by a
third party and couldn't be distributed with OpenWatcom, but if you
owned Watcom you could copy the libraries to your OpenWatcom
installation. Was that only for device driver stuff? Were the
libraries rewritten?
Anyway, how do you recommend setting up the OpenWatcom directory
structure and my C source code? I've come around to your way of
thinking on PATH stuff -- don't put it in CONFIG.SYS, but instead use a
.cmd to set up the path. Since I also might want to use gcc and pgcc,
would the following work?
Then I could use .cmd files named cEMX.cmd, cPGCC.cmd and cOW.cmd to
compile the C source with whichever compiler I wanted. Yes?
I currently put all my sources in a single \skye.SRC\ directory and I
compile into the same directory, and when I have something that tests
okay I move it to my \skye.EXE\ directory. But it's getting a little
messy having all the sources in one directory -- any recommendations? I
can't organize by project since almost everything is related to one
- Peter
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