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In , on 02/21/2003
at 11:05 AM, "Steven Levine" said:
>In <20030221082121.DKON7113.pop015.verizon.net@2ATHLON>, on 02/21/03
> at 12:20 AM, Benedict G. Archer said:
>>Tools exist to do the translation automatically, but I'm told they're not
>>good enough yet to be really useful. The programmers translating matlab
>Useful is a relative term. Like all tools, I'm sure they are fine for
>some subset of the problem space. One fairly powerful tool that comes to
>mind is ISI's MatrixX which is now a WindRiver product. It had
>performance problems when I was involved with it, but that was a while
>ago. I expect today's faster computers have solved some of this.
>Essentially, it does what Matlab/Simulink do along with code generation
>and round-trip engineering. It appears to be targeted at the aerospace
>and automotive industry.
I should have qualified my statement about "...really useful." They are,
as you suggest, for small tasks such as a test program for use on the
production line. I use them myself for such apps. But consensus of the
guys I work with is that they're not ready, or as Lynn says, "they don't
exist" for the big projects.
Benedict G. Archer
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