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Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> "I'm getting the religion. I'm finally seeing how the idea of
> using a database to store the "code snippets" for use/reuse
> will work. And, if I understand correctly, one could likewise
> assemble the documentation by collecting the proper set of
> "text names" and having the smarter editor display the
> completed documentation. Cool."
> By George, I think he's got it!
> I will attempt to locate a copy of the Dr. Dobb's Journal. In
> case I don't, could you bring in your copy for perusal. The
> beauty of XML lies in its ability to contain its own formatting
> rules. However, I think at that point the author and I would
> diverge sharply.
> Now I would have to read the article on XML, but the
> implication of an "XML file" implies ordered input, supporting
> only manual revisions. Whereas in the system I propose, the
I'm not religious enough to know if that is true or not. I'll bring my copy if you don't find one.
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