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February |
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> Peter wrote:
> > I've always been interested in
> > operating system design.
Lynn H. Maxson wrote:
> You have to say that in the plural: operating systems'
> design. The layered approach requires intimate
> knowledge of two operating systems' APIs: the host and
> the guest. The microkernel acts as a host supporting
> multiple guest OSes running concurrently. If there is
> an appealing operating system design, . . .
Semantics! My book title is "Operating System Design"; you merely
have various chapters.
> In my opinion O-O represents another example of the
> difference between clever and smart and why the
> result has lead us to work harder and not smarter.
I think I read somewhere that the guy who "invented" O-O now considers
it a mistake.
> All too often I appear as a soapbox orator. I just grow
> weary of those who would continue to complicate
> software development in the name of progress.
I wish I had the time to learn more programming languages. (May I call
them that without getting orated at?) For example, I'd like to
learn Ada so I could compare it to PL/I . . .
> Occam's Razor.
But I'm in Marketing!
- Peter
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