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Content Type: text/plain
FYI, things are shaping up with Mr. PM Disk Map.
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>Return-Path: joe@apsydev.com
>Received: from mail.apsydev.com ([] [] ) by scoug.com
> (Hethmon Brothers Smtpd) ; Mon, 28 Feb 2000 06:04:27 -0700
>Received: from JOEL (prdnat22.apsydev.com [])
> by mail.apsydev.com (8.8.7/8.8.7) with SMTP id PAA22239
> for ; Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:04:17 +0100
>From: Joel Armengaud/AGDS
>Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:06:21 +0100
>To: "Rollin White"
>Subject: Re: PM Disk Map
>Message-ID: <76057217C8385910C1256893004D507F.0000000000000000>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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Wow, I didn't know I had still users for this tool...! :-)
I will try and look for the sources in my archived CDs...!
If I can find them back, I am ok to let you use them, provided you send
back to me the new products you make with them (not the source code, only
the binaries). Is that ok?
"Rollin White" on 02/26/2000 07:03:18 AM
Please respond to "Rollin White"
To: "joe@apsydev.com"
Subject: PM Disk Map
I've used for your PM Disk Map for years. Unfortunately, it's starting to
show it's age.
I'm the Programming Special Interest Group (SIG) leader for the Southern
California OS/2 User
Group. We're looking at applications that have been abandoned that we
might update as a SIG
project. Would you be willing to let use update PMDisk Map? Do you have
the source code?
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