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Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 09:50:12 PDT
From: Steven Levine < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: #5

In <>, on 05/20/99
at 07:07 AM, Peter Skye said:

>You need to decide _which_ cards you want drivers for. It's okay to have
>a long list, but the drivers do need to know what they're controlling -
>you can't start without the list. :)

Depending on how long this holds your interest, a lot of this can be
generic or set up by IOCtl calls.

>Ask the vendor if the source code for the DOS drivers is available.

I have code for a variety of things. Anybody want to run a GPIB
controlled power supply?

>This will be done outside of the driver.

Ben, think gnuplot with timed refresh. Easy to do from REXX.

>original note). When you say "programmable gates", you're inferring
>that you have to send information to the card. Is this a simple setup
>procedure that's done once at power-on, is always the same, and can be
>embedded in the driver? Or is it necessary to change the programming of
>the gates during operation (requiring some "I/O Control"

Depends .

>Ben, you and I are fellow Mathematicians. There ain't nuthin' a
>mathematician can't do. :))

It's the proofs that take time .

>Shouldn't make any difference. The ISA bus is stubbed off of the PCI bus
>these days (the "south bridge" chip).

There will be some IRQ issues.


Steven Levine MR2/ICE #10183


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