>>The magic I ran across is this procedure from the install script for
>>EMACS. This procedure changes the default association so that EMACS
>>opens as the default editor instead of E.EXE.
>This is reasonable. It's doing just what ASSOCEDIT does when you select
>"Set Default". That is assuming that the 'key' stem is filled with the
>keys for PMWP_ASSOC_FILTER or PMWP_ASSOC_TYPE. Without seeing the full
>script, I would not use this code. The fragment appears to have some bugs
>(i.e. GetIni should be SysIni).
It's not a bug. GetIni is defined as another procedure that wraps some
additional error checking around SysIni.
Oh well, I guess that I will have to blow away an evening or two with
the UniMaint manual trying to figure this out. I just wish that I knew
WHY I could fix the HTML (and HTM) associations with ASSOEDIT.... and
the same fix for GIF, JPG, and BMP files doesn't do anything.
ASSOEDIT is such a nice, understandable tool. Oh well, on to UniMaint
maze of menus and windows that take you on to other windows and more
Curses to the idea of a binary hive of system configuration infomation
that is only accessible with special tools. And I don't care much for
the NT registry editor either.
Gregory W. Smith (WD9GAY)
finger for PGP public key
Version: 2.6.2
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