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Date: Sun, 20 Sep 1998 19:25:54 PDT
From: "Gregory W. Smith" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: More REXX... Or Possibly Other Tools

Content Type: text/plain


On Sat, 19 Sep 1998 23:24:49 PDT, Robert Blair wrote:
>** Reply to note from Fri, 18 Sep 1998 18:27:31 PDT
> > Oh well, I guess that I will have to blow away an evening or two with
> > the UniMaint manual trying to figure this out. I just wish that I knew
> > WHY I could fix the HTML (and HTM) associations with ASSOEDIT.... and
> > the same fix for GIF, JPG, and BMP files doesn't do anything.
> >
> > ASSOEDIT is such a nice, understandable tool. Oh well, on to UniMaint
> > maze of menus and windows that take you on to other windows and more
> > menus....
>What I do to change the defaults is:
>1. go to all the program objects that have the association and delete the association
>2. go back to the program objects and add the association back in the order you want
> then to be listed on the "OPEN AS" popup. i.e. add the association back to the
> program object you want to start on a double click first, then the others in the
> order you need.
>This is not a lot of work as there usually are not more than three of four program
>objects to change.
>This changes all of the objects that are affected in the system and any new
>objects added later.
>Robert Blair

Gawd, now I am really confused. Just to make sure that we were not
talking past each other I tried to do those two steps above. After
all, I have nothing to lose tweaking two program objects if it means
that I don't have to muck with a gazillion GIF files.

I have two program objects to muck with.

I right click on the PMView icon and select Properties. Under the
Association tab there is a list box for "Current Types" with the
entries: "Bitmap, GIF, IFF, Image File, image/jpeg, JPG, PCX, Photo CD,
Targa, and TIFF." The Assciation tab has a second list box of "Current
names" with the entries: "*.BMP, *.CUR, *.DCX, *.FIT, *.FITS, *.GIF,
*.ICO, *.IFF, *.IMG, *.JPEG, *.JPG, *.LGO, *.MAC, ...., *BMP, and

Before permanently munging the PMView program properties, I go to the
Multimedia folder. I select the viewer by right clicking on the
"Image" icon and select Properties. When the Properties window opens I
only get tabs for "Icon", "Widnow", and "Speech". NO "Program" tab,
NO "Session" tab, and most certainly NO "Association" tab. It seems to
be quite a trick to delete the associations when I am not presented
with that option.
Gregory W. Smith (WD9GAY)
finger for PGP public key
Version: 2.6.2



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