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Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 08:28:18 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: More2queue2stuff

Content Type: text/plain

> PS> From: Peter Skye
> PS>
> PS> My specific application is for an HTML generator for a 200 MB database.
> PS> I have to start at the first entry of the stem/queue and read the entire
> PS> set of lines in sequence. The lines are either for an HTML page where I
> PS> replace some proprietary tags with the appropriate text or HTML (for wrote:
> Is it possible some of this stuff could be preprocessed before it even gets
> read into ReXX space with SED, or even PERL running in it's default
> stream editing mode (which is not much more than a super-SED)?

I don't know either SED or PERL. Yet.

I know Virginia is giving a JavaScript presentation at the Programming
SIG tomorrow (Rollin's out of town); maybe we can swipe a few minutes to
briefly cover SED and PERL. And maybe some alternatative command
interpreters (shells).

- Peter


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