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Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 09:11:46 PDT
From: Steven Levine < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Queues2etc.

In , on 11/17/98
at 04:02 AM, said:

>with everything that they are going to hold before the pipe is started -
>launching the pipe first, and reading the queue as data shows up is a
>future project, and will definitly need some changes to the queue->pipe

Both START and DETACH should work the same as long as the DETACH'ed
session does not try to access STDIN/STDOUT. Can't say yet why you are
seeing a difference.

> works, but detach versions put the pipe into background, (as desired)
> start versions hang in foregroud till completion, and then resume
> execution. (not really desired)

Are you using START /C? If so, drop the /C. If not, it's something else.

>launching pipes into backgound execution from original .CMD interpreter
>is getting pretty convoluted.

I've seen some pretty big REXX applications, but unfortunately, with REXX
larger means more global crosstalk and that makes maintenance and
enhancements difficult.

>one other major mismatch that I've encountered so far is accessing the
>OS/2 FIND command - it seems to be an almost perfect syntax clash. So
>far my kludge to use it renders it almost unrecognizable.

Not to mention that the FIND finds files not text lines.


Steven Levine MR2/ICE #10183


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