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Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 08:30:12 PST8PDT
From: "Rollin White" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: Design guidelines

Content Type: text/plain

On Fri, 29 May 1998 08:13:04 PST8PDT, Peter Skye wrote:

>Rollin White wrote:
>> As I searched high and low for FTP
>> servers, I found many choices, but each of them had a fatal flaw.
>What, typically, did the coders miss or mess up?

Most of the issues were ones that I addressed later on in the document. Displaying the real
drive/directory for examples. Others just crashed too often for real server activitiy.

>> I asked
>> myself what it would take to write my own FTP server. I examined the
>> appropriate RFCs
>I'd like to look at those RFCs (they're at
> Do you still know the 4-digit
>RFC numbers?
Someone else provided:

>> Sockets can be connected to
>> two processes on the same machine or different machines. Sockets are connected to a
>> specific port(or port number) on a given machine.
>I understand that a socket is connected to a "soft" port for network
>communications. I don't understand how a socket can connect to two
>processes on the same machine since there's only one socket to plug
>into, unless you just mean that the two processes use the same socket.
>Is that it?

Yes, two processes can share a socket.

>> Another Unix related issue was the representation of paths and drive
>> letters. In Unix, there are no drive letters.
>How do you access drives in Unix? With a number? Or is the Unix file
>system very different (spanning, etc.)?

There is a root directory, and all directories are created below that. So, a typical root directory for
Unix is:

The other difference, is that slashes are all forward slashes.

>What those complications are would be good for a lesson.

At least one lesson. Probably two.

>> A command string
>> is retrieved and broken into its parts (the command and optional
>> parameters).
>Is this where GetString() comes in?

GetLine() is what actually retrieves the string, yes.

>This would be good for a lesson. Can you throw the Command Structure at
>us without comment at this time, so we can see what's in it and ponder
>how to use it?

When the time is right yes. I think it's more beneficial to focus on a few TCP/IP fundamentals first,
then approach the bigger issue of the FTP server.

>And an overall question. What compiler should we use? I have VisualAge
>C/C++ and Watcom C/C++. Any pros/cons?

I use VisualAge. Nothing I can think of would prevent it from compiling under Watcom or Borland.
For that matter, with the exception of two functions, I would expect it to compiler reasonable well on
Windows or Linux.


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