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Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 15:06:05 PST8PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: GetLine()

Content Type: text/plain

> >Don't you have to check every character of
> >your received data for 0Dh, 0Ah, even 0Ch?
> Theoretically, yes. But since the client is sending 1 line per send() it
> should not happen in this case. Same for end-of-line codes. The FTP
> protocol says commands will end with a NL code. Pretty standard for the
> Unix world.

Hmm ...

1. So if I wanted to change to a directory and then list the files
therein, I'm not allowed to code both commands into one send()?
Shouldn't we [as the world's best programmers :)] allow for multiple
commands in one send()?

2. Besides, suppose this code is still running in 10 years on a 1 Gb
link, and it's running on somebody's very old and slow computer, and
it's running at the absolute lowest priority level -- won't the buffer
end up with multiple lines occasionally? Shouldn't we plan for future
possibilities that don't affect us too much today?

- Peter Skye


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