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On Thu, 10 Dec 1998 04:40:04 PST, Peter Skye wrote:
>I see you nicely documented everything so JavaDoc could do its job.
It turned out to work well for presentation purposes too.
>- Why is one of the html files named simply ".HTML"? Is there a name
>missing so the JAVADOC generator used a null string? My best guess
>(from the file's contents) is that no package name was specified .. am I
I think I had an run with Javadoc with incorrect command line parameters or something.
>- Should this be unzipped into \Java11\docs\api (the JavaDoc HTML
>appears to require this, for the images)? Or should the files be split
>into different directories?
There are assumptions about the images. I keep them in a different directory, and suffer without the
images. But it's probably best to move them to the API directory.
>- Non-programming question: I set my Netscape 2.02 associations to
>include "text/html" and "*.htm", "*.html" so I could click on the HTML
>files and open them in Netscape. But Netscape doesn't come up as an
>Open As menu option. What did I forget to do?
You set the associations in Netscape, or for the program object properties of Netscape?
>- When you start your main routine with
> public static void main(String args[])
> the command line is parsed for the args. Do you know of any way to
>grab the unparsed command line? (A "Java expert" we all know said you
>can't get the unparsed command line, but I figured I'd ask anyway.)
Not off the top of my head.
>- In the main routine, what do the following two lines do (I guess I'm
>still a little hazy on Java syntax):
> Communication Client;
> Connection ClientConnection;
> I know Communication and Connection are classes. Also, I know that in
>Communication there's
The just create the objects (variables) that we use to manage the connections later.
> What exactly is being allocated here?
One object each. One of the things I don't like about our design (and the way I implemented it), is
that too many of the objects need services of other very specific objects. It would be nice if there
was a touch more distance between these classes.
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