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Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 15:23:54 PDT
From: "Rollin White" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Programming: FTP Server spec

Content Type: text/plain

On Sun, 16 Aug 1998 15:11:35 PDT, Rollin White wrote:

Sorry, I forgot to answer several of your questions:
>> 2. Can you show some code for just one of the methods, such as
>>IsConnectionActive, so I can start remembering what Java looks like?
>>And what will the main loop look like?

Here's what the FtpServer class looks like, including the main loop:

public class FtpServer {
public static void main(String args[]) {
ServerCommunication MainServer = new ServerCommunication(21);
System.out.println ("SCOUG FTP Server");
System.out.println ("SCOUG FTP Server: Accepting requests");
Communication Client;
Connection ClientConnection;

while (true){

Client = MainServer.GetClientConnection();

System.out.println ("SCOUG FTP Server: Client connection made!")
ClientConnection = new Connection (Client);;


>> 3. How many people are on this list?

27 including three addresses that don't look like SCOUG members.


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