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Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 21:12:41 -0700
From: "Virginia R. Hetrick, Ph.D." < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: KVM for eCS...?

Content Type: text/plain

Hi, Martin -

I have three Belkin KVM switches that also handle audio. The reason I
have three is because I have twelve systems all together and three are
attached to each switch, except one has four. I thought about daisy
chaining them, but that wound up adding a level of complexity that I
just WAY didn't like. As I recall, I got the Belkin switches at Fry's.
I don't remember whether they were least expensive or not, but they were
probably pretty close to least expensive.

I briefly considered getting just the switches; but, once I found out
the cost of the cables, I abandoned that idea incredibly quickly. It
was about 1/2 the cost to buy the kits instead of the switches and
cables separately.

As for specs, if you have a funky setup, make sure the system can deal
with it. For example, my two dual-headed systems have their own
monitors because I had no way to attach two monitors to the KVM.

The systems I have attached to the KVMs (1 per OS unless noted) are 2
WinXPPro, Win2KPro, SuSE 8.0, SuSE 9.0, Fedora (don't remember the v#),
FreeBSD 6.3, FreeBSD 7.0, Red Hat Enterprise (don't remember the v#),
sandboxes for WinXPPro, SuSE10, FreeBSD7.0,



\ / Virginia R. Hetrick, here in sunny California
0 Email:
Oo "There is always hope."
My fave:
GAT/d+(--) s++ a+++ C+++ UB++ UL++ US++ P+ L+ !e W+++
!N !o !K w+ O+ !M V PS+ PE- T++ PGPP t- 5 X R+++
tv+ b++++ DI+ D---G e+++ h+ r x?
------END GEEK CODE BLOCK-------

Martin Rosenfeld wrote:

> I am thinking of using a KVM to switch between an eCS and a Win2K box,
> sharing flat screen monitor, PS2 keyboard and Logitek trackball (PS2
> or USB). Can someone recommend an inexpensive KVM to do this, or tell
> me what specifications I must look for when buying one. Can a KVM be
> set up to also switch sound? I am ignorant as sin about this matter.
> Martin
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