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Ray --
Yes, that was a typo: subject line should have
referred to SM 111 from the beginning.
I have now ID'd the source of the problem and
corrected it. It seems to have been limited to the
main profile; in fact, that proved to be the tipoff --
that this was *not* occurring in the very minimalist
TEST profile. Zapping the main profile's XUL.MFL was
not sufficient, but *also* zapping its CHROME.RDF has
done the trick. {Thank you, Steve Wendt !} (It was
not necessary to nuke everything in the Chrome tree,
but it may not make much difference, as I suspect
everything that remains there is now orphaned.) All
I've lost is about half a dozen extensions, so it's no
big deal. The Plugin lineup is exactly as it was, so
none of those were involved. Anyway, SM 119 (the
Weilbacher edition) is now in business on this system.
Steven --
I'm going to take a wild guess that I think is going
to pay off, in regard to that anomaly of Download
Manager putting downloads into very slo-mo. I see
that DOWNLOADS.RDF has grown over time to a size of
nearly 3 meg.s. The Mozilla housekeeping that could
be going on in processing that file may well be what
is gumming up the works. If that file gets pared way,
way down, or starts over from zero, I'm thinking that
problem may just go away.
Thanks for your help yesterday.
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