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--- wrote:
> Do any of you use Thunderbird for mail/newsgroups,
> or do you prefer to use SeaMonkey instead? It seems
> to me from reading posts to scoug-help that Ray
> likes SeaMonkey instead of Firefox/Thunderbird, and
> Steve Wendt likes SeaMonkey as well, but what about
> the rest of you?
I've always preferred the all-in-one suite approach
myself, from NS 4 on, so my present solution is SM.
Outside of some nice extensions that seem to be for FF
*only*, I don't really find much reason to divvy up
the browser vs. mail & news functions. (Nevertheless,
since RC4 installs FF by default -- and it seems
likely that eCS 2.0 GA won't depart from this -- I am
taking that as the opportunity to test drive FF. At
the moment, that is limited to the older TP laptop.)
Didn't Steven recently say he preferred the SM UI to
the one in FF ? If so, I'd have to say I agree.
I have never even looked at TB, nor do I find a
compelling reason to do so. In regard to news, I am
open to trying something else . . . but then I don't
really do much newsgroup stuff. If I did, I think I
would like to find something more closely akin to
Forte Agent (on the Dark Side), which we may not have
on our side of the fence.
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