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Content Type: text/plain
Oop, it didn't even occur to me that the log files would be that big. Sorry about that.
Steven Levine wrote:
> In <20080316221114-51919-5@scoug.com>, on 03/16/08
> at 10:11 PM, "Robert Blair" said:
> Hi,
>> Plain text, just large, with a few small attachments. I don't know why
>> so many people had problems with the message.
> The answer is obvious - because they are effectively using a browser as an
> e-mail client (i.e. SeaMonkey or Thunderbird.).
> Sheridan could have avoided most of the delays and much of the content of
> this thread by zipping up the data and attaching the result. The result
> would have been much smaller than 2.7MB and would have been processed as
> an attachment.
> What Sheridan did was tell his mail client to include the text files as
> inline text files
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> name="ipformat-direct_to_Web.txt"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Disposition: inline;
> filename="ipformat-direct_to_Web.txt"
> This says, unless overridden by client specific settings, that the content
> should be formatted as part of the message body and so it was.
> Just another example of computers doing what you tell them too.
> Steven
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