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Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2008 15:29:38 -0700
From: Ray Davison < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: test, please ignore

Content Type: text/plain

J R FOX wrote:
> --- Ray Davison wrote:
>>>> What are you offering to do about this?
>>> I have two Yahoo lists that I am not aware have
>> ever been down and because membership must be approved they
>> generate no spam.
> Assuming that is the sole cause of the server going down . . . .

All I said was that the two lists I have are dependable and junk free.
I intended no inference to any situation with the SCOUG server.
>> I'll create it and share the maintenance duties with Jordan.
> Perhaps you recall it differently, but I recall a conversation
> (between the two of us) where you offered to take over the physical
> housing of the server. You told me that you had made this offer to
> Steven in the past, without much in the way of a reply.

I think it was the same offer as this. I doubt I ever considered
hosting the existing system. I would never claim that would be an

I have divided the task into to parts. The WEB site is nice, and it
needs to be maintained. But there is a separate, more time sensitive
issue of being able to communicate with each other. Right now we have a
catch 22; if the server is down, who are you going to tell and how. And
how do you let everyone know it is down. I guess 404 is a clue. I am
only offering to solve the communication part. And we can forget about
acquiring a bigger and better mail server.
> As to maintenance duties -- if I can take on *a share* of that via
> remote login, and don't have to enroll in some course to learn how to
> do it, yeah, I'd participate.

One of the lists I have is analogous to SCOUG. It is a small, stable
group. The only thing I have to do is occasionally approve a new
member. They have to make a statement as to why they want to join. You
can tell by their choice of words whether they are legitimate.

> I am not presently in a good position to host the box itself, but
> that could change, and if it does I'll let you know.

Nor do I think you should, any more than I should.
> Even if away for awhile, I don't think either of us would be
> completely unreachable (for whatever reason), as has apparently been
> the case with LT for some time now.

My thought exactly.



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