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Robert Blair wrote:
> ** Reply to message from Sheridan George on Sat, 26 Jan 2008
> 17:51:51 -0800
> 3) created a dummy e-mail post and put it in MQUEUE
> This directory is not for your use it is for sendmail.
Ah, I didn't understand that correctly. I thought that was where I should put the out going mail file.
> This is a good message to pass to sendmail but don't put it in the mqueue
> directory.
Got it. I called sendamil thusly:
[D:\]sendmail -a R:\SendMailTest.txt -t
Using Sendmail Configuration File E:\MPTN\ETC\sendmail.cf
The external process was cancelled by a Ctrl+Break or another process.
> try
> DVsmtp.roadrunner.com
Tried all of these combinations of settings seen in SeaMonkey:
#DVlistsns - smtp.roadrunner.com
Same result - a hang
I cleared the MQUEUE each time I did a run. There were the correct three files there each time.
That would indicate sendmail is working it just isn't making a proper connection to Time Warner.
>> # DPYourExternalUserID
>> DPlistsns
> Start with this commented out.
Ran all of the above DV combinations with DPlistsns active and commented out and with and without
JunkSpy. Same result...a hang.
> If you are sending this from your roadrunner connection you probably don't need
> this unless they require it for everything. Most ISPs do not need it if you
> are using your direct connection to your ISP.
The only connection I have is through Roadrunner. However, when I reconfigured SeaMonkey to work
without JunkSpy I had to log in again to read mail. I don't know if SeaMonkey sends the log in
string each time when mail is read and/or sent. So I can't say whether a log in is needed on
sending or not. FWIW: I never have to log in but once as long as I don't close SeaMonkey.
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