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Hi SCOUGians
First a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you from South East Asia ! ;-)
Our more important New Year is to come at Feb 7th: Chinese New
Year !! ;-D
Your recent discusssion of filtering is very interesting and
I am pointing to another aspect:
In the 4 postings you all were mentioning about half a dozen of
Mailers !?
Mozilla, Mozilla SM, Mozilla TB, Netscape 2.02 & 4.6x, Polarbar and
especially for myself: Evolution under Ubuntu & Lotus Notes everywhere
except Ubuntu (currently) !!
These mailers, perhaps under different OS'es like eCS resp. OS/2 or
some Linux'es or WINdoof'es !?
It makes it really very difficult to decide which one to use for
to ease the maintaining of a intelligent filtering !!!
As already mentioned:
Filtering the UN-wanted is an endless task !!
Filtering the accepted needs some help from the involved parties,
especially the mail lists with their ID in the subject, like
possibly better in/with brackets like [SCOUG Help] or [SCOUG General]
Like this one can recognize better and filter easier with a single
filter for
SCOUG's messages with " [SCOUG " !?
Myself I am really very interested and keen to learn how you fellows do
master this ugly increasing unwanted eS Pee A eM's ;-)
Thank to you all bringing up this top-actual topic !!!
Cheers, svobi
On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 12:02 -0800, Steven Levine wrote:
> In <>, on 01/15/08
> at 10:49 AM, Peter Skye said:
> Hi,
> >That leaves Thunderbird. I still can't find the documentation on
> >Thunderbird's filters:
> I guess the EPM search failed. Try
> Steven
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