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In <20070910212425-36509-8@scoug.com>, on 09/10/07
at 09:24 PM, "Harry Motin" said:
>as I remember it from him (and therefore, this is what I do), use the
>three products in the following order:
> UniMaint
> CheckIni
> CleanIni
I've added a couple of additional tools to the mix - Rich Walsh's fpos and
iconomize. Both allow you to delete unneeded data from the INIs. I also
use eWorkPlace's xfix now and then.
FWIW, we got another reminder of how important this clean up is at last
Sunday's Live Help Desk. One of those invisible eCS/OS2 users showed up
to have his system tuned up. In truth, he was not 100% invisible. He was
a friend of Steve Shiffman. The box was a dual Xeon, with lots of RAM and
SCSI drives hanging off a 29160 and was running eCS1.1 with the SMP
option. The system had been essentially maintenance free since it was
installed. My initial assessment of the system's condition was that it
ran like a pig. Think expensive Pentium 266 or similar. After some
quaility time with CheckIni and friends, the Desktop was about an order of
magnitude more responsive. The INI files were probably 1/3 of their
orginal size, maybe more.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 3.00 beta 08pre #10183 eCS/Warp/DIY/14.103a_W4 etc.
www.scoug.com irc.ca.webbnet.info #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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