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** Reply to message from "jrace@attglobal.net" on Fri, 26
Oct 2007 20:19:23 -0700
> In fact it has always had to be a FAT partition sized 7.4 mb. For
> some reason Partition Magic 8 sets the minimum size at 14 mb. But
> that is where the old IBM Boot Manager lived.
It has been a long time since I used Partition Magic so I do not remember what
it did. It may have indicated it was a FAT partition but I do not think that
is necessary (using LVM to look at my partitions it does not list FAT only that
it is Boot Manager).
Whenever I have set up a system I leave the first cylinder as free space and
when I installed boot manager I picked that free space.
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Robert Blair SCOUG-HELP-2lvvuss@listemail.net
> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 20:16:23 -0700
> To: scoug-help@scoug.com
> Subject: SCOUG-Help: Preparing new HDD for eCS -- boot manager issue
> ** Reply to message from "jrace@attglobal.net" on
> Fri, 26
> Oct 2007 20:03:15 -0700
> > I used Partition Magic 8 but when I install its Bootmagic it does not
> > appear to go onto first partition I set aside; it seems actually to reside
> > somewhere in the extended partition, as I discovered when I accidentally
> > set its type to 0E. I'd rather use the old stuff I'm familiar with if
> > there is no downside.
> >
> > What can I use to put the old IBM Boot Manager on the first partition? I
> > still have the old Partition Magic V 2 which I recall has this.
> My guess is that the first partition is just that a partition. Delete the
> partition so it is free space and try to install boot manager again.
Robert Blair
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