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In <>, on 03/21/07
at 03:30 PM, (Sandy Shapiro) said:
>Windows, on the first drive works fine. On the second drive, however,
>boot manager sees only the Windows partition. DFSEE says everything is
>fine, as far as I can tell.
Just in case, you should post the output of dfsquery to the dfsee support
Sometimes it can help to zero the first couple of tracks in the free space
area. It should not matter, but it can not hurt either.
It's possible true image is not really a true image. You can try just
rebuilding the boot managers menus. You can also remove and reinstall
>Booting from the eCS Beta 2.0 installation CD, I went into the Console
>and tried to run LVM. I got an error message:
>Sys 1808 (exception) and "Exception code=0005"
This sort of inidicates that the content is not entirely what lvm.dll
>After I enter the registration information, it is accecpted, and I am
>then taken to the beginning -- Begin Installation, etc., and the cycle
That's sort of odd. Let's see if the above tweaks change this.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 3.00 beta 2 #10183 eCS/Warp/DIY/14.103a_W4 etc. #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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