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Jordan, Junk Spy trapped the phrase "this is not spam" and considered it
as spam.
J R FOX wrote:
> Assuming this is not spam to the List (and it very
> well could be), the value ain't there, unless one
> needs a cut-rate dial-up service.
> --- "J. Pfisterer" wrote:
> DSL - Introductory rates (one year commitment)
> Bronze - $15 per month
> Silver - $15 per month
> Gold - $23
> Platinum-$40
> After the year is up the rates become:
> Bronze - $30
> Silver - $30
> Gold - $35
> Platinum-$50
> As I mentioned in my recent reply to George, I'm
> paying the same $35./mo. that I've been paying for the
> last two years, but have jumped to about 5Mbps/down,
> at AT&T's top service tier for residential DSL. And I
> think they just rebated me a free month's service . .
> . though I had a hard time parsing the most recent
> statement.
> Jordan
> =====================================================
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> to "steward@scoug.com". In the body of the message,
> put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
> For problems, contact the list owner at
> "postmaster@scoug.com".
> =====================================================
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