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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <20070109204017-49412-8@scoug.com>, on 01/09/07
> at 08:40 PM, "Robert Blair" said:
>> You are just too paranoid. :-)
> I wanted to let you be the first to say it. :-)
>> The problem is that spammers have millions of hijacked computers that are
>> sending spam 24/7/365. So no matter when you check your email you will
>> get more spam almost immediately.
> It is so bad that I now use it as a feature. I run a deamon on my
> production machine that watches for mail forwarded to the SCOUG postmaster
> (i.e. me) which is effectively 100% spam. If I don't receive mail for 30
> minutes, the deamon plays cookoo.waw to let me know the server needs a bit
> of care.
> Regards,
> Steven
Is there a way to use spf in a filter on Thunderbird or Seamonkey to
enhance the filtering of spam? I have spent a good bit of time this
evening reading the spf faq, and I definitely do not "understand all I
know" about it! :-)
I would definitely like to improve my filtering.
Tom Brown, Catherder
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
Member SCOUG, V.O.I.C.E. & SDAA
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