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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <45D7FB17.8050706@usa.net>, on 02/17/07
> at 11:07 PM, Sheridan George said:
>> When I enter LVM
> LVM or MiniLVM? They are different an react differently at times.
What ever LVM is used to create the installation partition from within the installer.
>> The problem is when the two partitions are deleted I get the same "Disk 0
>> reports a corrupt partition table" nastygram after each deletion. After
>> the two deletions it shows 991MB free space. BUT I can't install Boot
>> Manager or create a partition. When I try, I get a "Operation not
>> allowed" nastygram.
> There's something on the card that IBMs LVM code does not like. Use dfsee
> to wipe the card and then you should be able to create the volumes.
Now I have another problem. None of my working computers have a burner on them. I have no way to use
dfsee on the electronic unit. I don't have a bootable CD version of eCS to download dfsee to the
secondary CF card either.
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