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** Reply to message from "Michael Rakijas" on Fri, 28
Dec 2007 12:17:58 -0800
I just traded some emails with Wayne (the referenced email address) and he
seems to have moved over to Linux since he was having so much difficulty with
doing Japanese work in OS/2. His only recommendation, if I wanted to stay with
OS/2, would be to find a copy of Japanese Warp 4.52. Otherwise, he
recommended going with Linux. I think that would have been too 'out-on-a-limb'
for me without a support system. I don't know, I may try Linux for her but I
fear fighting both my relative lack of Linux expertise, and the Japanese data
entry methods I know nothing about. I'll be thinking about it.
> ** Reply to message from Colin Campbell on Thu, 27 Dec
> 2007 14:24:03 -0800
> Okay, thanks. Maybe I'll give him a try.
> > Rocky,
> > There is a guy named Wayne who posts on the Usenet OS/2 newsgroups, such
> > as comp.os.os2.apps, who I believe lives and works in Japan. His e-mail
> > address seems to be rondonjin@yahoo.com.
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